How many holes does your sink have?
Example of a 4 hole sink, 1 hole faucet with escutcheon plate and Filter Line using the accessory faucet hole
Here’s an easy primer to figure out what faucet can fit in your sink. This is a guide for Kitchen Faucets mainly but we’ll also cover bathroom faucets in the end. If the old faucet to be replaced has been removed, then you will be able to plainly see how many holes your sink has. If the faucet is still mounted, take a look from below, inside the cabinet. It may be easier to use a cell phone camera to snap a picture from underneath.
1 hole sinks will accommodate 1 hole faucets with or without an escutcheon or deck plate
2 hole sinks will accommodate 1 hole faucets with an accessory like a soap dispenser
3 hole sinks will accommodate a)1 hole faucets with an escutcheon plate, b)3 hole faucets
4 hole sinks will accommodate a)1 hole faucets with an escutcheon plate and a soap dispenser, b)3 hole faucets and an accessory like a sprayer or soap dispenser
So basically if there’s no room (not enough holes) for the faucet you wanted, find another faucet/option. Note: Drilling a hole in the sink is possible but not advisable. If there’s an extra hole, consider a soap dispenser if you don’t have one already. If you want to plug an extra hole, there are “Sink hole covers” available for sale.
For bathroom sinks, there are three main options:
1 hole sinks give you no choice but 1 hole faucets
2 hole sinks are usually for 4” Centerset faucets. Measure to confirm.
3 hole sinks can be for either 4” Centerset, Mini-Widespread or Widespread faucets. Measure to confirm.
Beyond Kitchen and Bath faucets, there is a whole array of specialty commercial options that we won’t discuss here. The goal here is to simplify what most people are looking for. The other possible hindrance to installing a faucet is the height of the top or spout. Be sure to measure and confirm that there’s enough clearance for the installation. If you want a specific finish, try to match a sample with what you want. For example: A Brushed Nickel finish can look very close to a Stainless Steel finish.
Hope this guide helps you find find a faucet that fits you.